50 Life Affirmations to Honor the Life & Work of Louise Hay

Many of you know by now that our beloved friend Louise Hay transitioned in her sleep yesterday, August 30, 2017 at the beautiful age of 90.

Like countless others, her work had a tremendously positive affect on my life. She introduced me to the idea of using daily affirmations to change the vibration of my life in positive, meaningful ways. I also credit much of the progress I’ve made on my journey of learning to genuinely love myself to Louise. Her practice of “Mirror Work” which I explain in my first book, Satisfy Your Soul: How to Begin Planting the Seeds of Your Dreams, has helped me truly see myself, and to love who I see…and what an empowering gift that has been! If you have yet to experience the life-changing work of Louise, here is a great place to learn more about her yourself.

Author Danielle LaPorte said it best: “Louise did the work, inspired others to do the work, and as a renegade publisher, she has brought massive amounts of light and healing to the planet. I bow and aspire to her contribution. Louise, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you.” #SAME! To celebrate and honor her beautiful life and work, I want to share 50 of my favorite affirmations.

Let’s Affirm:

  1. Life loves me!
  2. All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!
  3. It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.
  4. I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, “I love you, I really love you.”
  5. I forgive myself and set myself free.
  6. As I say yes to life with open arms, and life says yes to me.
  7. I now go beyond the fears and limitations of my parents.
  8. I am willing to let go.
  9. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.
  10. I prosper wherever I turn.
  11. I welcome miracles into my life.
  12. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.
  13. My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.
  14. Life supports me in every possible way.
  15. I am beautiful, and everybody loves me.
  16. Everyone I encounter today has my best interests at heart.
  17. I always work with and for wonderful people. I love my job.
  18. I am healthy, whole, and complete.
  19. I devote a portion of my time to helping others. It is good for my own health.
  20. I am greeted by love wherever I go.
  21. Wellness is the natural state of my body. I am in perfect health.
  22. I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.
  23. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete.
  24. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.
  25. I am willing to seek help when I need it.
  26. I forgive myself for not being perfect.
  27. I honor who I am.
  28. I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.
  29. Today, no person, place, or thing can irritate or annoy me. I choose to be at peace.
  30. As I drink lots of water, I cleanse my body and mind.
  31. I choose to see clearly with the eyes of love.
  32. I cross all bridges with joy and ease.
  33. I release all drama from my life.
  34. I find peace.
  35. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
  36. I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
  37. I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.
  38. Today is a sacred gift from Life.
  39. I have the courage to live my dreams.
  40. I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future.
  41. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
  42. I only speak positively about those in my world. Negativity has no part in my life.
  43. I enjoy the foods that are best for my body.
  44. Love flows through my body, healing all dis-ease.
  45. My income is constantly increasing.
  46. It’s ALL good for me.
  47. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.
  48. My life gets more fabulous every day.
  49. There is plenty for everyone, and we bless and prosper each other.
  50. And my 3 personal affirmations for the month of August were…“I am safe, I am loveable, and the source of my energy is unlimited!”

Want more positive affirmations infused into your day? Follow me on Instagram @feelfreetogrow for all things positive and enriching!

One thought on “50 Life Affirmations to Honor the Life & Work of Louise Hay

  1. I love them all but my favorites are #48 and #49.

    I credit Louise Hay for much of my former husband’s recovery from cancer. He was given a 30% chance to live. He read her book “You Can Heal Your Life” and also studied affirmations with Bob Proctor (My ex’s best friend was Bob’s brother). He is still doing well 24 years later.

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