One Year Later, Here’s What I Know For Sure

Almost one year ago, I was honored to be chosen to work with O, The Oprah Magazine as a brand ambassador. As this milestone approaches, I want to take a few minutes to express my gratitude as best I can. As poetic as words can be, sometimes the expressive capacities of language seem inadequate to the task. This is one of those times for me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Cara Lonergan, O Magazine, and Oprah for this incredible experience!!! Thank you for the divinely inspired, authentic community this group formed. It has been an honor to be of service, and to be in alignment with such a kick-ass group of goddesses.
We’ve walked through setbacks in our nation together, leaned on each other through painful losses, and celebrated personal and group victories together. Through it all we’ve together been the hands and arms that lift up the ideas of effortless joy, audacious love, natural beauty, motivational optimism, caring self-nurture, brilliant innovation, fun adventure, mindful awareness, centered presence, clarified intention, and so much more. O, Wow!
As I go forward, here’s what I know for sure. My support of the O of O and her brands is unwavering because it’s rooted in the soil of gratitude for the life she has lived before us all, and the example she has set for society. It’s rooted in a soul-satisfied knowing that this was a decision worthy of my most valuable life resource – time.

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